Caring for your jewellery

Sea glass is quite tough; it has survived being bashed about by the sea for decades after all. However, it is just glass from bottles and other products, so you should treat it with care. Knocks from hard objects and surfaces such as concrete or metal are likely to chip or smash your precious sea glass, and could potentially create a very sharp edge.

Due to the items used in construction, your jewellery should be resilient. However, should your jewellery become dirty or lose some of its lustre, simply washing with a mild soapy solution should restore its natural beauty.

If you like the frosted appearance of the glass, simply leave your sea glass alone; perhaps cleaning any dirt or marks with some clean water / water and soap. A less frosted effect can be achieved by applying a tiny amount of petroleum grease or oil such as Vaseline or baby oil. Alternatively, the natural oils from your fingers do a nice job of cleaning the glass and slightly reducing the frosting effect. Some of our items are quite tactile and some people find it difficult to resist rubbing the glass with their fingers anyway!

We would advise that you remove your jewellery before swimming, bathing or showering and avoid chemicals from perfumes or other cosmetic / toiletry products.

Silver is a beautiful metal and we think it compliments sea glass well. Unless otherwise stated, all our items use Sterling Sliver which has at least 92.5% pure silver content; other metals, such as copper, are added to make the silver stronger. This makes your jewellery more robust. However, over time, the silver may become a little discoloured or tarnished. Cleaning your silver with a polishing cloth and perhaps little silver polish will quickly restore the silver back to its best. We deliberately leave the backs of our bezel pendants open to let light shine through. It also avoids any dark spots from tarnished silver appearing at the back of the glass.