
Loving working with Silver Clay

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I am always looking into trying new ideas with my jewellery making to see what works and what doesn’t and I love trying these new ideas out. My recent discovery was PMC3 otherwise known as Precious Metal Clay. This is a medium of Fine Silver Particles binded by a clay. You create, fire the clay, polish and hey presto you have a Fine Silver creation. Now that sounds simpler than it actually is, but it gives you an idea.

This has now become another obsession! to join the sea glass and the beads. I am really enjoying working with it and creating my own Silver pendants and charms.

Here are some Fine Silver leaves I made by using actual leaves for  imprinting onto the clay and here are the necklaces once finished.

One of the necklaces sold straight away which made me have a little happy dance. We all love a little happy dance !!!

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I think they are really pretty and delicate.

Now for more creating !!



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