
A busy week !

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Sales and admin.

It’s been an exciting week at Swashglass HQ. We have had our first discount sale of 15% off selected necklaces. We have promoted ourselves on facebook and had many likes and comments from all over the world, it would seem. This was very exciting but also a bit nerve racking. We have sent out our first newsletter to those that have signed up to receive it and finally we have parcelled off a couple of jewellery items off to their new owners !!! phew !!!

I am hoping next week will be a creative week and I can get those new beads out ! lol.

If you would like to receive our newsletter, then please fill in the appropriate box on our home page and we will forward it onto you.

If you would like to keep informed of our new creations, then ‘like’ our page on facebook and find us on Instagram. We often put posts on there of our new jewellery.

Finally, join in with us on our blog. Leave your comments on our ramblings. We love a natter !!



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